### Junk Soft ;-) ###


for Windows95

FileSynchronizer for Win95 Ver1.20

This is "File Synchronizer" like "briefcase" of Windows.
Screen Shot is Here.

Very very sorry to say this, but this is shareware.

for Unix and/or Unix like OS

File Management Utility Ver3.07

This is "file management utility" like "fileutils".
You can copy, move, delete and etc. very easily.
Select files by arrow-keys and space-bar then specify the command.
Also you can change all key assignment by setup file.
Please see 'fu.doc.eng' in the archive.
Screen Shot is Here.

This is freeware. Enjoy!

Java Application

TkCalc Ver0.00
This is calculator, but it can only integer arithmetic.
I coded this just for Java practice.
Source code was included. Feel free to use this code.
(no fee, no obligation but no warranty)